I’m really back

I’ve been in college for a few months now and everything has changed. I am a different person. New, Fresh, probably worse off now if we are going to be honest. My life is the same, confused about boys and unsure of what to do about school. I’m in a defacto relationship, I guess an exclusive flirtationship is a better word. I’m scared of getting hurt or being rejected. I can’t bring up that I want to be in an actual official relationship, I don’t want to scare him off. let me just tell you that he is very cute and fun to be around. He makes me happy. Why don’t we just call him N.

We met on tinder believe it or not. somehow two people really can meet an connect from a shitty app like tinder. I don’t know what to expect from our ‘hanging out’ or whatever it should be called. I’m scared to like him because if he didn’t like me back a part of me might actually break. He is 3 years older than me so go ahead and think it, naive freshman here. Call me naive but I think he actually cares about me. He wants to take me on real dates and spend real time together. That has to count for something right?

Truth is, I am a big mess and this void is all I could think to turn to. I’ve missed you wordpress, universe, followers. This is real life and blogging beats counseling. I promise I’ll be back very soon, I’ve missed the cathartic release that comes from expressing myself in a blog.