father’s day

Let me get sentimental for a bit because today is Father’s Day. Today I learned that before my grandfather died, my dad spoke to him on the phone and my grandmother asked my father to come to New York to see him. My father declined and my grandpa died three days later. It is really cliche, but you really don’t know how much time you have with people, even if they are young. I never gave my grandpa a proper goodbye and now he is gone. So let me propose a challenge, I’ll participate too, take every moment to show the people in your life that you love and appreciate them. I’ve had a rocky relationship with my dad, but at the end of the day, he tries his hardest. I guess that I have learned that people show love in different ways. Unfortunately, those aren’t always compatible. I don’t cry often, but when I think about the sacrifices my parents have made for me, I can’t stop the tears. I never thought that blogging would get so deep for me or that I would ever be able to keep it up. I’m considering doing the 100 happy days competition soon, but I’m not quite sure. I am really hoping to be happier this year and stop focusing on all of the bad stuff in my life. Every day really is a gift and I intend to use it. I hope that everyone had a great Father’s Day and don’t forget to tell your dad you love them. I’ll also say that I love all of you for just listening to the things I write and it gives me an odd sense that someone is out there that cares. Thanks for everything


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